Sunday, February 13, 2011


It was funny looking through my blog. I forgot about some of the projects like the Pour Paintings, Found Image Collage, and just some of the D.E.A.Ds that we did. It was strange when I remembered everything because some of it seemed like it happened forever ago, but I feel like the year itself has flown by. I think that my artistic strengths may have been drawing even though it frustrated me at times and the biggest challenge for me I think was the time constraints. Art this year was a lot more fast pace that I would have thought and it was challenging because for me I like to take my time and thoroughly finish something before I move on to another project and so I found that really frustrating even though I was told that I would be able to finish them at later times I don't think that I ever got to finishing projects that I started beforehand. I'm really sad that I'm leaving art class because I found it relaxing though difficult times and I learned a lot of techniques that I found helpful and that I'm sure I'll use during art classes that I'm sure are to come in my future.


  1. A very thoughtful post Maya. I love your description of actually going back and remembering all that you've done this year. I'd love to see you write a bit more about the idea of finishing or not. Why do you think it's hard for you to finish your projects? Why does it feel important to you to finish them at all?

  2. Sometimes I think that it's difficult for me to finish projects because I run out of ideas or run out of a way of thinking that can allow me to incorporate my ideas in a thoughtful and tactful way. Sometimes I don't even want to finish because I don't want to ruin what I have that I like. But then I feel the need to finish them so that I have something to show for my time here. In a way I feel like it's a lose-lose situation for me.

  3. Let's talk more about this in these last weeks.
