Friday, February 25, 2011

Process Reflection #2

 Though this week was rather short (having a total of three days which can also be translated into roughly four hours of work). Dispite it being short I felt as if I got a lot of work done. I was able to start and finish the actual painting on my first of three paintings. (Purple below)
In addition to, I also was able to almost finish another of the tree paintings. I had to cut out newsprint which took a while and so did pasting 
it onto the board, but I was able to basically finish that part of the process. My biggest problem this week was trying to figure out what to put on the last two paintings.

Lastly, for our last week together, I am planning on finishing the last of the paintings.

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing the 3 pics together. You DID get a lot done in a short week...your process has changed so much this year M. Can you see how much more flexible you are in your process of making things? I remember back to that found images collage...
