Sunday, November 14, 2010

End of Term 1 Reflection.

This first term of art for me has been more then I expected. Coming into Beaver, I thought that art principles was going to be a pretty dull class that would teach me fundamentals, but not necessarily have me put them to use. Yes, I have learned basic fundamentals of art such as shading, sketching, principles of design and many others, but I have put them to use. After learning how to shade (though, I'm no expert and still need to work at it MUCH more) I was able to on later assignments (such as other D.E.A.Ds) put the skill to use and make my picture look better then it would have in the beginning of the year.

Though I thought that it would be dull, I also thought that art was going to be easy. I didn't realize how high the expectations were going to be set and it came as a surprise to me that there was homework, yes HW! (Then again, it IS high school. Yikes!) I think that my biggest issue is feeling like I am doing a good job because I really haven't finished many of the projects. (Yes, I know you're going to tell me that I have -ex. the found image collage project, glass half full project, and MAYBE one other if I'm lucky. BUT I DIDN'T finish my pour painting project, sculpture, collage, and probably a few other projects as well.) So the hardest thing might be that I do not feel accomplished. I hope I will have time to re-visit projects and start and finish more in this upcoming term.

On a happier note, I'm very glad that I am in art principles with you as my teacher and I think that I will keep learning new skills and techniques and I look forward to putting them to use very soon.

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